Acupuncture and Endorphins


Oriental medicine does not reduce patients to separate compartments of illness or function but rather sees an integrated, whole being that is a synthesis of mind, body, and spirit inseparably. Patients having acupuncture routinely sense, to varying degrees, a soothed yet elated experience even once the needles have been removed. We feel good, meanwhile, acupuncture […]

Acupuncture Meridians and Points 腧穴


Acupuncture Points are sites on the body where acupuncture needles are placed, tuning in to the viscera as well as energetic governances. Acupuncturists, as well as Marial Arts Practitioners as well as Tuina, Shiatsu, and other light-body-workers guide QI by using the layout off points of energy along these meridians. The ‘Cun’ is one aspect […]

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