Acupuncture Detoxification Treatment


ACUPUNCTURE DETOX An abstinence-oriented, chemical-free, no-nonsense approach to breaking chemical addiction. Acu-Detox treatment begins with inserting sterile ear acupuncture needles into the 5 detox points on each ear, for up to 40 minutes. The 5 detox points have been shown to effectively address the major organs in the body that are negatively impacted by the […]

The Humility of Mr. Bai Fang Li


Using the money he earned from peddling rickshaw, Mr. Bái Fāng lǐ contributed what is estimated to be 350,000 yuan ($57,000. usd) to financing more than 300 students’ school tuition and living expenses, helping them to advance by way of their studies. Mr. Bai’s daughter recalls, “He suffered and curtailed his own needs throughout his life, […]

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