Chrysanthemum, 菊花, The Emblematic Fall Flower


? Chrysanthemum is an emblem of fall, blooming in the cold days of late autumn and early winter when other flowers have faded from the landscape. Chrysanthemum represents nobility and elegance, and like a hermit exhibiting perseverance and humility in the face of hardship, the combination of beauty, strength and bearing that chrysanthemum displays are […]

The Auspicious Gingko, Past and Present


  Until the Song dynasty [960-1279 AD] the Chinese name for Ginkgo was ‘duck foot’ 鴨腳, referring to the shape of its leaves. The kernel was called ‘duck foot seed’ 鴨腳子. The name was changed to ‘silver apricot’ 銀杏 for the purpose of presentation to the imperial ruler, having been determined that ‘silver’ was auspicious […]

Traumatic Injury, Blood Stasis, and Zheng Gu Shui Liniment


Supple and elastic tissues tend to be more resilient to injury, however, force can wound any area of the body. Bones, joints, veins, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and the associated organs of injured parts may fall into a condition of blood stasis, both acutely and chronically, as the body attempts to promote healing. The circulation of […]

The Basics on Chinese Herbs


Bulk Chinese herb preparations are one form of supplementation in Chinese herbal medicine. Others are freeze-dried concentrates, as well as various pill forms, and externally applied liniments, washes and plasters. More than three hundred Chinese herbs and medicinal substances are commonly used in herbal prescriptions that have a history of use dating back more than […]

Chinese Herbs, Individualized Medicine


Every instance of illness has a unique configuration and requires unique (not fixed) treatment. To relieve the suffering of the times, there is no greater path than Chinese medicine. Within it, nothing is more effective than prescriptions of herbs and materials for each individual’s condition.    

The 250 Year Old Man


 When Lǐ Qīngyún 李清雲 was 105 years old, he traveled to Pingliang County in Gansu to collect herbs. In the Kōngtóng mountains, Li met a Taoist hermit who was much older than he. Li asked the elder for the secret of long life and the old hermit laughed, saying, “Why are you asking me? Aren’t […]



Spoken of medicinally by the physician of mythical stature, Shen Nong [said to have lived in about 2,800 B.C.]. In The Canon of Materia Medica 神農本草經 it was first proclaimed that Ju Hua improved senses of vision and hearing, alertness, clarity of thinking, promoted an energetic body, and increased longevity by slowing aging. It is […]

Diabetes in Traditional Chinese Medical Treatment


Diabetes Mellitus originates from deficiency of Yin and manifests externally as a syndrome of excessive heat. As the disease progresses, deficiency of Yin produces dry-heat which in turn damages QI and Yin, exhausting both Yin and Yang in time. The incidence of diabetes is projected to double in the next 10 years worldwide; yet, in […]

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