Chinese Herbs, Individualized Medicine


Every instance of illness has a unique configuration and requires unique (not fixed) treatment. To relieve the suffering of the times, there is no greater path than Chinese medicine. Within it, nothing is more effective than prescriptions of herbs and materials for each individual’s condition.    

The 6 Stages of Disease


The Shānghán lùn 傷寒論, known as the treatise on cold injury or cold damage disorders, is a Chinese medical text compiled by Zhang Zhongjing 张仲景 around the end of the Han dynasty period. It is one the oldest completed medical books in the world.  The Shānghán lùn has 398 chapters, 113 herbal prescriptions, and is organized […]

Safe, Effective Treatment with Chinese Herbs


Chinese herbal medicine, a vital aspect of Chinese medicine, relies upon collecting detailed information from a patient by means of questioning, visual examination, pulse and tongue diagnosis, and some bodily palpation to derive a specified diagnosis that is unique to each patient’s expression of what may seem by the primary symptoms surrounding the illness to […]

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