Tang or Decoction of Chinese Herbs


A decocted Tang, literally “soup”, is by far the most common form of Chinese herbal medicine administration in China. Decoctions are solutions and suspensions that are readily absorbed, thus expediting their therapeutic effects. They are prime in this way in the treatment of acute disorders. Decoctions, being liquid in form, are easily ingested and digested […]

Incense and Rooting the Spirit


The sense orifice of smell can have strong effects on the aspect of Spirit known in Chinese medicine as Shen. Burning clean, resinous incense can open the Heart-Spirit, and in part, enhances our remembering of what is important. Incense prepared with quality medicinal substances has the ability, as thought in shamanic and alchemical traditions, to […]



Ancient Chinese cosmology that has guided oriental medicine for millennia is as infinite as the stars, deep as oceans, predictable as the earthly rhythms of the seasons; deriving meaning through timeless truth. “If we can not measure, we can not know,” is the western-mindedness that threatens to divert the true and artful understanding of ourselves […]

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