Handmade Moxa


A colleague in my office recently gave me some pure, aged, Japanese moxa from MoonGate Moxa Source. I immediately used the Homare on two cases of arthritic pain and am happy to recommend it. The incense is lovely, also! thread moxa, direct moxa, moxibustion, okyu, japan, incense, chinese medicine, moxa floss, tcm, acupuncture, japanese incense, […]

Moxa Boxes


Cloth lines the bottoms of these boxes but trays are also commonly made of grated metal, both providing the benefits of moxibustion to spread throughout and penetrate an area of the body. Photos Courtesy of Zhang-Zhong-Jizaaang

Warming Needle Moxibustion


Promotes free-flow of QI and blood and warms meridians; treating painful joints caused by cold-damp, for numbness, paralysis, and sensation of cold. An excellent treatment, particularly in seasonal cold-damp and conditions of debility.

Acupuncture & Moxibustion


THE INTEGRAL WHOLE IN THE RELATIONSHIP OF MAN WITH HEAVEN & EARTH, AND ACUPUNCTURE AS A TREATMENT FOR ALL DISEASE. The human individual is an integrated aspect of the universe, with life’s happenings reflecting the interplay of Yin and Yang. These dynamics, displaying the shifting, greater movement of energy, are the root of prevention and […]

Researching Two Forms of Moxibustion: Punk and Smokeless


 灸   Moxa ‘punk’ is loose herb form of mugwort for direct and indirect moxibustion treatment. Applying the method of smokeless moxa, densely-packed moxa made by a charcoal process which results in little or no smoke, was compared in its effect to that of moxa punk. Heat by each form of moxa was transferred to […]

Treatment of Bell’s Palsy w/ Moxibustion at LI4


Historically the acupoint LI4 [Hegu] has been indicated to treat Bell’s Palsy. However, research indicates that moxibustion at LI4 benefits Bell’s Palsy patients with facial paralysis specifically affecting the lips. The application of moxibustion to LI4 benefits facial symmetry similarly as would electro-acupuncture on points around the mouth. MRI scans indicate that LI4 also intersects sensory […]

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