Acupuncture Detoxification Treatment


ACUPUNCTURE DETOX An abstinence-oriented, chemical-free, no-nonsense approach to breaking chemical addiction. Acu-Detox treatment begins with inserting sterile ear acupuncture needles into the 5 detox points on each ear, for up to 40 minutes. The 5 detox points have been shown to effectively address the major organs in the body that are negatively impacted by the […]

Acupuncture and Endorphins


Oriental medicine does not reduce patients to separate compartments of illness or function but rather sees an integrated, whole being that is a synthesis of mind, body, and spirit inseparably. Patients having acupuncture routinely sense, to varying degrees, a soothed yet elated experience even once the needles have been removed. We feel good, meanwhile, acupuncture […]

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