Acupuncturists routinely have to give an easily digestable rendition of Chinese medicine, which necessarily delves back interconnected step by step, succinctly, to describe the theory as a whole. If you were having tea with someone who adlibbed about Taoist reality as this man has, it would be a fascinating time spent listening to an engaging, […]
Wu Wei 无为 Action Through Non-Action
Do not burden yourself with depressing thoughts, do not get anxious about future events that may never happen, do not dwell on things that are well in the past. All of these emotions dissipate the brightness of Shen (Heart Spirit). If we over-extend our Heart we will harm its Qi. If this happens, Jing (Kidney […]
A Profound Perspective of Appreciation
“Since my barn burned down I have a better view of the moon.” Mizuta Masahide 水田 正秀 1657–1723, Japanese poet, samurai, and student of Matsuo Bashō 松尾 芭蕉 1644–1697 Tradition of the Japanese has been to live in awareness of the unpredictability of nature and the transitory essence of life. Earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and fires can […]
Welcome Spring!
In Chinese medicine we are taught from the perspective of cosmological wholeness. People are understood as integral aspects of nature, the embodiment of the same life force and flow as everything else in the natural order of the universe. From this holistic perspective, the wisdom of Chinese medicine advises that people undertake behaviors befitting the […]