Acupuncture Detox for Chemical Addiction Cessation


Auricular acupuncture is clinically proven to be the most effective natural method of chemical detoxification. In particular, I use Acu~Detox in my practice to help a patient who smokes to become an ex-smoker permanently, but I have witnessed and participated in treating heavily addicted populations using the 5 point ear acupuncture method that yields such […]



Nurturing core elemental tendencies while simultaneously balancing states of excess through a combination of diet, Chinese herbs and acupuncture and other mind-body techniques, we maintain innate elemental tendencies; transforming what may be hindrances into assets. FIRE TYPES ☯ Are jovial pleasure-seekers. They like to relax, socialize and have fun. They often seek thrills and excitement, […]

The Pivotal Role of Emotions


How All Disease Is a Matter of Heart-Spirit, According to Classical Chinese Medicine  The defining classics of Chinese medicine establish that it is the invisible forces of Shen [Heart-Spirit] and Qi [vital energy] that rule matter. While western medicine is rooted in the modern science of matter analysis, modern and ancient physicians of classical oriental medicine […]

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