ACUPUNCTURE DETOX An abstinence-oriented, chemical-free, no-nonsense approach to breaking chemical addiction. Acu-Detox treatment begins with inserting sterile ear acupuncture needles into the 5 detox points on each ear, for up to 40 minutes. The 5 detox points have been shown to effectively address the major organs in the body that are negatively impacted by the […]
My Visit to Master Wang’s Clinic in Chengdu
While visiting Chengdu China in July of 2017, I observed and participated in treatments at Master Wang’s clinic. Master Wang’s work consists of his patients soaking in Chinese medicinal herbal baths in large bamboo tubs, followed by a uniquely vigorous type of manual therapy administered, simultaneously, by his two apprentices. As a practitioner of Chinese […]
While the brain can help us to understand, it can also separate us from the essence of true knowing. Some of the issues of academic teaching, as well as the orientation we encounter in many of our patients, is that the brain wants to rule. The brain has its place but it is absolutely subservient […]