The 250 Year Old Man


 When Lǐ Qīngyún 李清雲 was 105 years old, he traveled to Pingliang County in Gansu to collect herbs. In the Kōngtóng mountains, Li met a Taoist hermit who was much older than he. Li asked the elder for the secret of long life and the old hermit laughed, saying, “Why are you asking me? Aren’t […]



A woman, post-menopause, has great potential to realize within herself the wise woman and the mother of her greater community. With her inherent embodiment of female wisdom, post-menopausally she may cultivate the spiritual power of the Sage. From the progression of blood sent from the Heart down to the Bao Mai [uterus] in preparation for […]



  飯勿吃太飽,覺要睡得好,運動每天做,營養不可少, 盡量找快樂,切莫尋煩惱,赤子心常在,百年也不老, 不作虧心事,人格比天高,為人不貪墨,子孫也逍遙。   Sleep well, Exercise daily, Do not over-eat, but never be in want of adequate nutrition.   Always try to be happy; keep yourself free from worries and troubles, and always retain a good conscience.   Then, you may live in good health and youthfulness even when you have reached the […]

Okyu Thread Moxibustion


• Originally from China, Okyu direct moxibustion acquired a high degree of sophistication in Japan.   • Deeply penetrating heat applied here stimulates Yang, encouraging circulation.   • Increases white blood cells to strengthen immunity and restore energy.   • Thin cones of mugwort are ideal for Okyu moxibustion treatment.    

Safe, Effective Treatment with Chinese Herbs


Chinese herbal medicine, a vital aspect of Chinese medicine, relies upon collecting detailed information from a patient by means of questioning, visual examination, pulse and tongue diagnosis, and some bodily palpation to derive a specified diagnosis that is unique to each patient’s expression of what may seem by the primary symptoms surrounding the illness to […]

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