Attention Deficit Disorder


It appears that Attention Deficit Disorder, referred to as A.D.D., arises from a neurological defect, with abnormalities in brain tissue and/or biochemical functions. Nutritional deficiencies, exposure to harmful chemicals in-utero such as from smoking, alcohol, prescription and/or illicit drugs, and by further exposure to environmental pollutants – all of which have become wide-spread problems during […]

‘The Three Friends of Winter’ 松竹梅 ☯


Pine, Bamboo and Plum are highly regarded for their steadfastness, perseverance and resilience, and known as The Three Friends of Winter. Painting by Zhao Mengjian 趙孟堅 [1199-1264] Song Dynasty. • “Peach and plum of springtime, don’t flaunt your pretty blossoms; Consider rather the old pine and green bamboo at year’s end. What can change these […]

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