‘The Clouds Should Know Me By Now’


Leaves fall, where no green earth remains. A person at ease wears this plain, white robe. With simplicity and plainness one’s original nature is still. Therefore, what need is there to practice “Calming of the Heart?” Chia-Tao 779-843 Buddhist poet of the middle Tang dynasty Translation by Mike O’Connor & Red Pine

Surgical Casebook


Pioneering doctor  Hanaoka Seishū 華岡 青洲, of the Edo period, combined his knowledge of Chinese herbal medicine with Western surgical techniques he had learned, and became the first to perform surgeries with anesthetic. He was the first to formulate and use general anesthesia to remove tumors from cancer patients. His proceedure came 50 years before […]

Perspectives on Dementia


Heart nourishment and the tendency for a calm mind in turn support a basic sense of optimism. Negative emotional states can evolve into patterns of repressed Qi, heat, and phlegm, which harass the Heart and mist the mind. People at a greater risk of clinical dementia later in life are those, according to this study […]

Moxibustion Charts 灸法圖


Earliest illustrations of moxibustion treatment. By at least a century, moxibustion pre-dates the earliest bronze models from the Song dynasty used to understand locations of meridians and points in acupuncture. Therapeutic moxibustion, applying Artemisia cautery techniques, treats illnesses and strengthens the Qi of the body. It is a prevalent modality in Chinese medicine. Six fragments […]

China’s First Code of Medical Ethics


Sun Si Miao [581—682 A.D.] was a famous clinician and alchemist. Credited with the first code of ethics for Chinese doctors; less a formal ‘code’, and more the philosophy of a virtuous physician and values that suggest an ethical practitioner. The principles primarily focus upon compassion, justice, beneficence and humility, rather than physician truth-telling and […]

Cholesterol from a TCM Perspective


Did you know that Yang-energy fight or flight hormones associated with stress rhythms can cause an elevation in cholesterol? Traditional Chinese Yin-Yang theory is adaptable to classify all universal phenomena, including the modern dietary-lifestyle staples that play into most health conditions. Coffee, sugar, and alcohol, among the more ubiquitous, have an overwhelming and weakening effect […]

Patient Compliance is Key to Success in TCM Treatment


‘One who takes medicine but neglects diet and a moderate way of life wastes the skill of the physician.’ Your acupuncturist can treat you with acupuncture, prescribe herbal medicine and tell you how and when to take it, and from this you are very likely to feel better. S/he will undoubtedly help you to recognize what […]

Stillness of Heart and Mind


The Heart never stops storing impressions and yet it also knows “emptiness.” From birth, we have the capacity to know things by creating distinctions, differentiations, divisions, partiality, and thus duality; and yet also the Heart presence knows “unity.” In its experiencing, the Heart keeps moving, and yet also knows stillness. When the mind is used, […]

Headache Patterns in Chinese Medicine


According to Chinese medical theory, various factors can effect the body to become the underlying pattern of headaches   • Headaches that start between 7 to 10 years of age strongly indicate the presence of a constitutional factor of disease, usually derived from the heredity from one or both parents. • Emotional causes of disease […]

Diagnostic Tongue Maps


Look at your tongue daily before brushing or eating. See what it may be revealing to You. Here is a basic overview Normal (top left) – reflecting a relative balance of internal QI, blood, humors, organs, and essence. Qi Deficient – basic symptoms of poor appetite, sluggish, weak digestive function, fatigue, worrying and overthinking, dizziness.  Heat […]

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