Orderly Progression and Concordant Treatment


The laws of applying all needling therapy require that one observe the influences of sun, moon, and stars, as well as the characteristics of the four seasons and eight seasonal returning points. If, in this manner, one has determined the condition of the influences, the needle treatment may be carried out. When the Heavens are […]

Rules and Judgement • Su Wen Ch.70


Judgment [lun cai] and mind [zhi yi] must be based upon laws and rules. If one follows the classics, observing the calculations and accordingly practicing [medicine] with due reverence to these rules, this will be of benefit and set an example for all humankind. If the way is carefully observed, a myriad of diseases can […]

Chinese Tea


  Tea has been enjoyed for millennia as a central aspect of culture, daily life, and health. China’s Yunnan province has pride in its lineage of tea plants, where the first tea plant survived the ice age. Cultivation of ceremonious tea drinking developed significantly in the Tang dynasty when Lù Yǔ 陸羽 composed the Cha […]



Worry and anxiety are examples of excessive thinking recognized by traditional Chinese medicine as injurious to the harmony of the Spleen. The Spleen, in tandem with the Stomach, constitute the digestive process. The Spleen also secures residence to the intellect, or Yi. Pensiveness, brooding, compulsive thought, study and the like, disrupt the Spleen functions of […]

Okyu Thread Moxibustion


• Originally from China, Okyu direct moxibustion acquired a high degree of sophistication in Japan.   • Deeply penetrating heat applied here stimulates Yang, encouraging circulation.   • Increases white blood cells to strengthen immunity and restore energy.   • Thin cones of mugwort are ideal for Okyu moxibustion treatment.    

Prompting Healing with Acupuncture


By receiving the necessary course of needling, taking herbal formulas regularly and adopting key lifestyle modifications, we integrate, change and feel better deeply. Acupuncture treatment stimulates our physical body and roots the essence of our spirit, dissolving obstruction and eliciting regeneration. Clarity, strength and homeostasis are basic, cumulative effects of acupuncture that set a course […]

Yun Zhi Mushroom


Yun Zhi 雲芝, known also as Cloud Mushroom, Coriolus, and Turkey Tail exhibits a marked immune enhancing scope of activity, including antiviral and antibacterial effects, and has been used for centuries in traditional oriental medicine. Modern clinical research in Japan and China focus on water extractions of Coriolus to stimulate and strengthen immune health, particularly […]

Acupuncture and Endorphins


Oriental medicine does not reduce patients to separate compartments of illness or function but rather sees an integrated, whole being that is a synthesis of mind, body, and spirit inseparably. Patients having acupuncture routinely sense, to varying degrees, a soothed yet elated experience even once the needles have been removed. We feel good, meanwhile, acupuncture […]



Arising like a tree from a common source of roots, we have Essence and are here to unfurl it; contributing to the fabric of the myriad of all things. Subject to the constant changing of Life, rhythms and timing, opening and closing, we pass thru patterns and dimensions. Channels and the body’s physical processes interpret […]

Listening to the Pulse


There is wonder in what we can find when we feel the pulse in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine. The information that is there in the pulse to be conveyed, in such an elusive form of conversation between patient and practitioner, is as practical as it is profound. Each channel has a pulsation, a […]

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